Signs That You Could Have A Bruised Cervix

Posted on: 5 September 2023

A bruised cervix is a gynecological injury that is possible to suffer as a result of sexual activities. Some people who are victims of sexual assault can acquire this injury, but it's also possible to get it as a result of consensual sexual activity. A bruised cervix in which the bruising is minor will typically go away on its own in a short amount of time, and not require any intervention from a professional. However, if you notice symptoms that appear to be serious and aren't clearing up, you should visit a gynecologist. Here are some signs that you could have a bruised cervix.

Pain After A Sexual Encounter

Perhaps the easiest way to determine that your cervix may be bruised is that you're acutely aware of a significant level of pain that is present in the wake of a sexual encounter. The type of pain can vary, but it's often a sharp pain that may feel as though it's burning. You'll feel this type of pain deep in your lower abdominal region. The pain can be intense whether you're moving or stationary, although certain movements may exacerbate it to some degree.


The severity of your injury will influence what other symptoms you may experience. Some of those who have a bruised cervix will experience some bleeding. If the bleeding is heavy to the point of being a serious concern, you should visit an urgent care center or emergency room. However, in most cases, the bleeding will be light and sporadic — but should still be enough to alert you to something being wrong. It's highly unlikely that you'd be interested in sexual activity while suffering from a bruised cervix. However, if you were to engage in intercourse with this injury, bleeding would likely occur.

Cramping And Nausea

Intense pain and bleeding are two indicators that you could have a bruised cervix, but it's also possible to experience other sensations. This injury can lead to cramping feelings in your abdominal region, which may be a different feeling than the pain you feel at the site of the injury. The cramping can be very uncomfortable, particularly if you're not accustomed to significant cramp pains during your periods. In some cases, it can be severe enough to make you feel nauseous. If you're experiencing any of the signs of a bruised cervix, contact a gynecology clinic in your area to make an appointment and receive the care you need.

For more information on gynecology services, contact a professional near you.
