4 Tips For Staying In Shape During Your Pregnancy

Posted on: 17 August 2016

The best way to lose the baby weight after you give birth is to ensure that you are staying in shape during your pregnancy. Too often women feel that being pregnant gives them a free pass to forget about exercise and start eating whatever and whenever they want. Developing this habit can lead to birth complications and make getting rid of the baby weight after birth is challenging. Here are four tips to help you stay in the best shape during your pregnancy.

  1. Stop Drinking Calories: The best way to get your calories is to eat them, not drink them. When you are drinking sugary drinks full of calories, such as sodas, milkshakes, and more, your body is not absorbing the right nutrients that are good for the baby, and you'll gain weight quickly. Instead, you should be drinking water in between and during meals. This is good for baby because staying hydrated ensures that your baby is getting enough fluids, as well. 
  2. Continue Eating the Same Amount of Calories: When you are pregnant, you don't need to double up on the calories. Your baby will get plenty of what they need from your regular diet. Instead, eat small meals throughout the day. Not only is this great for avoiding excess weight gain, but it also prevents heartburn, which is something many pregnant women suffer from.
  3. Continue to be Active: When you are pregnant, you don't want to start a new exercise program, of course, unless it is approved by your doctor. However, you shouldn't be sedentary unless your doctor has asked you to be on bed rest because of potential complications. You should be exercising the same amount, which would be at least 30 minutes per day. Even a thirty-minute walk is ideal for you and baby. 
  4. Have Larger Meals at Lunch: If you are going out to eat with friends or family, it's okay to eat a larger meal if it's during lunch time because it will be easier to burn off the rest of the day. However, if you are going out to eat for dinner, it's best to stick to something light because you won't be able to burn it as easily since you are soon going to be settling in for bed. 

When you consider these four tips on top of talking to your OBGYN  to learn more about healthy weight gain and staying in shape, you can be sure that once your baby is born, you will be able to lose the baby weight quickly. This will also help you complications during pregnancy.
